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Unlock Your Business Potential

Elevate Your Competitive Advantage with AI Talent and Integration Today!

Reach the best talent, optimize your budget, and streamline your hiring process with our AI-powered job posting platform. Let our technology do the heavy-lifting to help you find the right candidates faster than ever before.

Your Cost-Per Hire Advantage at High End Employees with the ai.talentz Toolbox

Maximize Visibility Minimize Costs

AI-Optimized Postings on 25,000 Partner Platforms

Elevate your hiring with our AI-Optimized Postings. Dive into a recruitment revolution where our AI algorithm utilizes insights from over 100 million job ads across 25,000 Job platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and niche sites. This smart system ensures your ads land where the best candidates are, optimizing visibility while slashing your costs per hire.

With AI.JobTarget, we’ve got your back. Ads not hitting the mark? They’re automatically paused, so your budget is only spent on what works. It’s recruitment made efficient: less time worrying about ad placements, more time focusing on what matters.

Unlock the potential of AI-driven recruitment. Maximize reach, minimize waste, and meet the candidates of tomorrow, today.

We are your social Recruiting Agency

With our Social Recruiting Package

Launch Your Campaign with Precision

Our team manages your social media recruiting campaigns and creates engaging content for Facebook, Google, and Instagram to reach your target audience and fill open positions.

Engage and Attract Top Talent

We run your social media recruiting efforts by monitoring and managing them for optimal performance. We engage with your audience, creating a vibrant online presence that builds your brand as an attractive employer.

Optimize for Success

We optimize campaigns using real-time data to enhance performance, improve visibility and applicant quality, and maximize your investment.


Amplify Your Presence and Captivate Top AI Talent

Stand Out With a Free Company Profile and Engaging Video Content in your Job Ads

Free Company Profile

Elevate your brand's visibility for free, showcasing your unique culture, mission, and values to a specialized audience. Enhance your online presence and SEO, making your company easily discoverable to top candidates. A compelling company profile builds trust and cements your reputation in the AI community.
- Free Video in Profile
- Messaging with Candidates
- Manageable reviews

Video in Job Ads and Company Profiles

Incorporate videos into job ads and your Company profile to stand out and engage candidates. Showcase your company culture and team, enhancing your appeal and leaving a lasting impression on top talents.

Connect Personally, Hire Effectively

Free Direct Messaging to Candidates

Better Candidate Experience

Improves the overall candidate experience, making your company stand out as a preferred employer.

Targeted Outreach

Enables more targeted outreach to passive candidates who might not actively be looking but are open to the right opportunities.

Immediate Feedback

Allows for instant feedback and queries, speeding up the clarification process and keeping candidates engaged.

Personalized Communication

Establishes a personal connection, making candidates feel valued and more interested in your opportunities

Higher Engagement Rates

Boosts engagement by directly involving candidates in conversations, increasing their interest and investment in the role.

Efficient Screening Process

Facilitates a more efficient screening process by allowing for preliminary discussions that can quickly gauge fit before formal interviews.


Find Your Perfect Candidate with Our Job Packages!


1 Listing
$ 749
  • Personal Customer Service
  • 30 Days duration
  • Featured listing - Refresh after 15 Days
  • Video in Job AD
  • Satisfaction Guarantee
    Additional 30 Days if not satisfied. For 1st time buyers


1 Listing
$ 1149
  • Personal Customer Service
  • 30 Days duration
  • All Features from Basic 30
  • Promotion on 25,000 Job sites
  • AI driven Budget Distribution on best performing Job sites


1 Listing
$ 1549
  • Personal Customer Service
  • 30 Days duration
  • All Features from Basic 30
  • Social recruiting Agency Feature
  • Facebook and Instagram AD Design
  • Facebook and Instagram AD Campaign setup and optimization

Are You Managing a High Volume of Monthly Hires?

Learn How Our Subscription Service Can Enhance Your Onboarding Process.


10 Listings per Month
$ 999 Monthly
  • $99.90 per AD
  • 10 BASIC Package Job ADs
  • 30 Days Unlimited AD Duration
  • Dedicated Manager
  • Free Job Import Service
  • Featured listing - Refresh after 15 Days
  • AI HIGH VISIBILITY package bookable for only additional $399 per AD
  • SOCIAL RECRUITING package bookable for only additional $799
  • Video in Job AD
  • Cancel Anytime


20 Listings per Month
$ 1499 Monthly
  • $74.95 per AD
  • 20 BASIC Package Job ADs
  • 30 Days Unlimited AD Duration
  • Dedicated Manager
  • Free Job Import Service
  • Featured listing - Refresh after 15 Days
  • AI HIGH VISIBILITY package bookable for only additional $399 per AD
  • SOCIAL RECRUITING package bookable for only additional $699
  • Video in Job AD
  • Cancel Anytime


Infinite Listings
$ 1999 Monthly
  • Depending on your Volume
  • 30 Days Unlimited AD Duration
  • Dedicated Manager
  • Free Job Import Service
  • Featured listing - Refresh after 15 Days
  • AI HIGH VISIBILITY package bookable for only additional $399 per AD
  • SOCIAL RECRUITING package bookable for only additional $599
  • Video in Job AD
  • Cancel Anytime

Frequently Asked Questions

Ai.talentz is a job search engine specializing in AI-related jobs, helping companies find top-tier AI talent with optimized job postings and social recruiting strategies.

We have a network that targets AI professionals and utilizes partnerships with AI and tech-focused platforms to attract highly skilled candidates.

Absolutely. Our platform is designed to target and attract candidates with specific AI skill sets, even for the most niche roles in the industry.

Yes, our platform caters to companies of all sizes. Startups can benefit from our targeted approach to find agile talent ready to take on new challenges, while larger companies can use our services to fill gaps in their expanding teams.

Ai.talentz stands out by specializing in the AI talent market, ensuring a perfect alignment between companies and candidates. Unlike typical job search engines that passively wait for applicants, we proactively and continuously engage with new talent. Our approach is not just about specific job opportunities; we continuously, actively seek out individuals in background activities. This dynamic, job-specific and general engagement strategy helps us attract not only active job seekers but also those in the AI field who might be open to new opportunities but getting aware of this only after watching one of our ADs, providing a richer pool of qualified candidates for your needs.

Our platform is particularly valuable for companies with specialized needs. Even filling a single AI position with the right candidate can significantly impact your company’s innovation and growth.

While general platforms can provide quantity, ai.talentz specializes in quality for the AI sector. We streamline the process to get you not just any candidates, but the right candidates for AI-specific roles.

Our platform allows you to present a comprehensive view of your company and the specific role. This transparency helps attract candidates who align with your company’s values and vision, ensuring a good fit

Our platform has a high success rate for placements because we concentrate on a niche market. Our specialized approach connects you with candidates who are already interested and skilled in AI fields, leading to more successful hires and longer retention rates